
Erasmus + WOWIT – tehnike inkluzije za priložnosti žensk na trgu dela_PRIROČNIK


Gradivo smo pripravili v okviru projekta Erasmus+ (KA210-ADU) z naslovom »WOWIT - Women’s Opportunities at Workmarket by Inclusive Techniques« (Priložnosti za ženske na trgu dela s pomočjo inkluzivnih tehnik). Predstavlja izbor različnih tehnik in orodij, ki jih lahko uporabljajo tako trenerji kot tudi posameznice, ženske za krepitev, izboljšanje in obogatitev svojih veščin in kompetenc za lažjo integracijo na trgu dela. Tehnike in orodja služijo kot primeri praks pri spopadanju z izzivi, ki jih trg dela narekuje. Lepo vabljeni k prebiranju in uporabi.


>>> Dostop do PRIROČNIKA


Projektno partnerstvo: #Futureg (Slovaška), #Rovnovažka (Češka republika) in #Novus (Slovenija).

Projekt sofinancira shema majhnih sodelovalnih partnerstev v programu Erasmus+2021-1-SK01-KA210-ADU-000034089.

#wowit #erasmusplus #futureg #drustvonovus #rovnovazka #womenonworkmarket #inclusivetechniques



We have prepared this material within the Erasmus+ project (KA210-ADU) titled »WOWIT - Women’s Opportunities at Workmarket by Inclusive Techniques.« It represents a selection of various techniques and tools that can be used by both trainers and individuals, women, to strengthen, improve, and enrich their skills and competences for easier integration into the job market. The techniques and tools serve as examples of best practices in addressing the challenges dictated by the job market. We invite you to read and use this resource.


>>> Access to the COURSE BOOK


Partner organizations of the projects are: #Futureg (Slovakia), #Rovnovažka (Czech Republic) and #Novus (Slovenia).

The project is co-financed by the European Union, within the program Erasmus+2021-1-SK01-KA210-ADU-000034089.

#wowit #erasmusplus #futureg #drustvonovus #rovnovazka #womenonworkmarket #inclusivetechniques

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