
Erasmus + WOWIT – tehnike inkluzije za priložnosti žensk na trgu dela


Leto zaključujemo z zahvalo vsem, ki ste bili del naše poti. Raziskovali smo priložnosti, premagovali izzive in gradili mostove med spoloma z vključevanjem tehnik inkluzije. Posebno pozornost namenjamo tudi problematiki žensk, ki se soočajo s ponovnim vključevanjem na trg dela. Z velikim navdušenjem zremo v prihodnost.


Projektno partnerstvo: #Futureg (Slovaška), #Rovnovažka (Češka republika) in #Novus (Slovenija).

Projekt sofinancira shema majhnih sodelovalnih partnerstev v programu Erasmus+2021-1-SK01-KA210-ADU-000034089.

#wowit #erasmusplus #futureg #drustvonovus #rovnovazka #womenonworkmarket #inclusivetechniques



We conclude the year with gratitude to everyone who has been part of our journey. We have explored opportunities, overcome challenges, and built bridges between genders by incorporating inclusive techniques. We also pay special attention to the challenges faced by women reintegrating into the labour. With great enthusiasm, we look to the future.


Partner organizations of the projects are: #Futureg (Slovakia), #Rovnovažka (Czech Republic) and #Novus (Slovenia).

The project is co-financed by the European Union, within the program Erasmus+2021-1-SK01-KA210-ADU-000034089.

#wowit #erasmusplus #futureg #drustvonovus #rovnovazka #womenonworkmarket #inclusivetechniques


Društvo Novus